Transforming Assessment
How Cambridge Assessment brought onscreen marking to life
Case Study
Cambridge Assessment
In 2005, Cambridge Assessment, the internationally recognised examinations group, approached RM to develop a solution that would enable them to mark scripts onscreen efficiently.
Crucially, the system also had to ensure accuracy, consistency and timeliness in the marking process. Scoris Assessor (now known as RM Assessor), the world’s most widely used onscreen marking application, was born.
Quality and efficiency
RM Assessor was developed by RM to enable on-screen marking – but it’s not only efficiency that has been improved:
- Approved markers can get up and running more quickly. This is because markers can be automatically approved through Assessor, providing they mark sample response scripts within tolerance.
- Seeded scripts test the quality of the marking throughout the session. This applies to all examiners and has emphatically enhanced the quality of marking.
- RM Assessor eliminates incorrect summation of marks, incorrect awarding of marks and the return of partially marked scripts because the technology simply doesn’t allow these errors to happen.
An ongoing success
RM Assessor is now used extensively by many international awarding bodies.
In the 2015 contract year, 6.9 million Cambridge Assessment scripts (comprising 99 million page images) were marked using RM Assessor.
World class marking technology
RM Assessor is the e-marking solution of choice for leading awarding organisations including the International Baccalaureate and ACCA, the global accountancy body.
RM customers value RM Assessor because it:
- improves the quality of marking
- reduces risk and improves security
- brings logistical efficiencies
- reduces the time between exam and results award
- increases management visibility and control
- supports innovation in the assessment process
RM is working with innovative assessment organisations around the world.
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